Enjoy The Journey

My Best Moment
This photo was taken on my best day. I was in my favorite place, Kenya, with my favorite man, Cole (a.k.a. Andrew C. Strom Photo), doing my favorite thing, photographing African wildlife in its natural habitat. We were in Ol Pejeta; we just had lunch and were wandering around the camp taking photos of the incredible bird life when this beautiful black rhino emerged from the treeline heading towards a watering hole. I could not contain my excitement as black rhinos are my favorite animal. Because he is so supportive, Cole lifted me up on his shoulders so I could get the best angle with the full reflection of this amazing animal. Soon after this incredible moment, we met Najin and Fatu, the last two Northern White Rhinos on the planet. I don't have the ability to describe how special and profound that experience was.
Later that evening, Cole proposed to me.
It was my best day, in the best place, with my best person.
This photo was taken on my best day. I was in my favorite place, Kenya, with my favorite man, Cole (a.k.a. Andrew C. Strom Photo), doing my favorite thing, photographing African wildlife in its natural habitat. We were in Ol Pejeta; we just had lunch and were wandering around the camp taking photos of the incredible bird life when this beautiful black rhino emerged from the treeline heading towards a watering hole. I could not contain my excitement as black rhinos are my favorite animal. Because he is so supportive, Cole lifted me up on his shoulders so I could get the best angle with the full reflection of this amazing animal. Soon after this incredible moment, we met Najin and Fatu, the last two Northern White Rhinos on the planet. I don't have the ability to describe how special and profound that experience was.
Later that evening, Cole proposed to me.
It was my best day, in the best place, with my best person.

Morning Mirror
On a cool summer morning in Lake Clark National Park, a Mamma coastal brown bear guides her young into the shallows. She knows the ocean is at low tide and she knows this is the best time to search for her favorite morning snack. Clams! A perfect opportunity to teach her youngsters how to make their own breakfast! She instructs her cubs to follow her every move. They are good students with empty bellies so they are eager to learn. The cubs mirror their mom's moves and enjoy fresh clams which they found all on their own!
Mother's Day is right around the corner. Now mom knows her kids can bring her breakfast in bed. No excuses!
Mother's Day is right around the corner. Now mom knows her kids can bring her breakfast in bed. No excuses!

She Knows
The matriarch leads the hungry herd across the parched plains of Amboseli National Park in search of fresh food and water.
She knows this land was once covered with lush, green grass. She knows the rains are overdue. She knows the young members of the herd need to eat and drink soon. She knows water is just a little farther away than it once was. She knows she needs to persevere and press on.
She Knows.
She knows this land was once covered with lush, green grass. She knows the rains are overdue. She knows the young members of the herd need to eat and drink soon. She knows water is just a little farther away than it once was. She knows she needs to persevere and press on.
She Knows.

Through The Dust
In the middle of a long, hot day when the African sun is bearing down, she soothes her hot skin with a cooling dust bath. The dust highlights the wrinkles on her dry, cracked skin.
The wrinkles of time show on her brow.
Each wrinkle holds wisdom.
Each wrinkle holds a story.
As the dust settles on her body, she enjoys a quiet break from the heat of the day.
The wrinkles of time show on her brow.
Each wrinkle holds wisdom.
Each wrinkle holds a story.
As the dust settles on her body, she enjoys a quiet break from the heat of the day.

After a long, busy day on the rough waters, an old, tired wooden boat pulls into dock at the marina. Reflecting on the day, it considers what could have been done differently. There is not an option to change what has already happened, so there is no use remaining in this thought for long. It stands tall knowing it held strong and did not fall apart in the roughest moments of the day.
Another day is on the horizon. The boat wonders what tomorrow will bring. What will the weather be like? What will the fishing be like? What mood will the captain be in?
It does not know.
It does know the work of today is complete. The day is done. So, for now, it is time to embrace the stillness.
It is time for stillness.
Another day is on the horizon. The boat wonders what tomorrow will bring. What will the weather be like? What will the fishing be like? What mood will the captain be in?
It does not know.
It does know the work of today is complete. The day is done. So, for now, it is time to embrace the stillness.
It is time for stillness.