Words escape me. I am quite literally speechless as feelings of amazement, awe, and pure joy overwhelm me. I don't believe my eyes.
I literally don't believe the intense beauty that I am seeing is real.
How can this be real?
The colors are bold yet subtle.
The cold is punishing yet forgiving.
The textures are harsh yet gentle.
The silence is deafening.
It is a complete contradiction to reality yet it is the most REAL I have ever experienced.

The Colors Of The Arctic

"Polar nature has a strong effect on the human mind. It entices one's thoughts back to the beautiful, solitary stillness, to the deep sensation of nature. There, life speaks its own language to one's soul in all its original beauty."
- Hanna Resvoll-Holsmen - 13 December, 1908
Ice of the Arctic
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If the Amazon is the lungs of the earth, the Arctic is the Heart.

Life of the Arctic
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Should people continue to be here, or do we humans just get in nature's way?
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